Saturday, 2 August 2014

Style Saturday #4 Cute Jumper, Breakfast and Flowers

Here's today's blog post. Not an exciting one or my most eventful Saturday that I have posted, but I still went out and about and not stay in my pjs (unlike some other days). Today I just wanted to be comfy and casual because it was still kind-of hot here (about 19 degrees Celsius) but I wasn't in the mood for wearing something fancy and stuff. Instead I opted for something simple and cute, as you will see here.

I wore a pair of black leggings from Topshop, black tank top and flip-flops (which you can't see) from Gap and my new favourite jumper from H&M. I think it's adorable. It is a baby pink colour and is knitted, so it's light for summer. The thing that attracted me to the jumper is the writing on it. It says "Mais, pour-quoi pas?" which I believe means "But, why not?". So why not buy it. It is incredibly comfy but I have to be careful not to snaff it off of bags and stuff.

I also decided to take a few photos of some flowers and berries that are growing because 1, they are cute and 2, there was nothing else.

Oh and not to favourite a quick photo of my quick breakfast that I bought with me to CoderDojo. 
It's quite simple, but maybe not too healthy. I had a small apricot (which I know quite like), a Nature Valley for some oaks, chocolate covered rice cakes (afterwards as a treat) and a cup of Roobois tea, my favourite in this cute Orla Kiely Mug/Cup thing. 

Well, I guess that's all, ta-ta for now, Nee x

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