So what do I want to talk about today? Seeing as it's a Thursday and we all know how random my Thursdays posts are, I'll make it blabber-y and generally just me. Well I just finished watching The Breakfast Club, which I had never seen before and I must say, better than expected. I was inspired, sounds extremely cheesy, but it was. It can't deny it. It kind-of inspired me to write this post as I didn't have any clue what to write. It's weird to think that a movie in the 80's was actually pretty good. It just shows that you don't always need great lights and effects, just a good simple message and music that prompts you. It's the old movies that make the impact on life today, unless it's Inception because that was some cool backstory. Loved that movie, especially after I watched it more than once.
I'm going to move on well off of topic now, but it's that what Thursdays are about? Well, anyway, I have decided to keep a dream diary. You know that diary or notebook where you write the dreams that you just had? I have one, and have kept it for a good month or so. Now I haven't remembered all my dreams or I'm just too tired to write them down, but it does work. It's kind-of weird, it your brain is fascinating when you sleep. I remember one dream that I had wrote done in my dream diary, and looking back on it now, it shows me how I see certain people or situations. It's pretty creepy but cool at the same time. It definitely makes me think how amazing our brain truly is. Of course, I had only noticed this little thing when I had read it over today, over my extremely messy morning handwriting (not so good to see). So I have seen a good side to this, even though it can be tedious to write in the morning when you just want to sleep or gradually wake up (takes me a good 10-20 mins). I have also found some pretty interesting ideas for books as well, but I have always noticed that with my dreams. Too bad I can never seem to translate that onto paper, damn my not-so great writing skills.
What else do I have to mention. I suppose I could mention the weather but that sounds boring. It's still too hot for me as I bake like a potato in an oven (reference to Dan's video from danisnotonfire). But yeah. I suppose you don't notice much difference, do you. Some seem to love the heat, don't know how but anyway. Wait, it's not even the heat that gets me, I have always loved the sunny weather when I was younger, but now I just can't seem to hold the heat. In general I am a warm person and I could die from heat in a winter coat during winter but in summer I can't seem to take the heat. I'm not going to be that person either who walks around in a bikini all day, because why? Especially with our unpredictable weather.
Enough talk about being warm and stuff. I should wrap this up for the night and maybe head to bed, or just watch some YouTube, like always. Ok, ta-ta for now, Nee x
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