Thursday, 25 September 2014

How To Deal With Stress

Stress. Even though it's normal for us to have a little bit of stress in our life, sometimes it can get out of control. So instead of avoiding it, why not try and find a way to deal with it.

  1. My first tip is to do something you love, something you do to chill and have fun. Take some advice from 'The Sound of Music', when you feel bad, simply remember your favourite things and then you won't feel so bad. For example, I like to listen to some of my favourite singers and songs, as it helps me relax. I also like to have a shower, drink a cup of tea or soup or even just sit and chill on the couch with my iPad. 
  2. Another thing you can do is review the work that you need to do. When you organise your work and life, you are able to prioritise certain things and basically make life easier. It is important to sit back when you do this as you will be able to see things in a broad light. 
  3. You can also just talk to someone about it, because sometimes you just need to let it go (yes I'm quoting Frozen). I find that telling someone halves the problem and you can find a better solution. Just cry and hug it out, because sometimes all you need is a friend. 
Those are my little tips for any stress bunnies out there, don't worry be happy. It seems to be a large amount of quotes today. Ta-ta for now, Nee x

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