Monday 8 December 2014

Goodbye November Blues

I am back. What other way can I say it.

I was taking a long break I suppose. I felt uninspired, drained and a little bit sad. Must have been the November blues. Now that is over and done with. I feel like this is not too much of a chore. The lead up to Christmas is making me feel a bit bubblier, alive and excited. After all I celebrate Christmas and my birthday this month. Pretty nice. It might motivate me to post stuff. Even if my writing is not the best or my news not so exciting, it's Christmas after all.

Well I will end it with this teeny tiny baby post that I have literally just written in 2 minutes. The excitement is about to commence (hopefully)

Nee x

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Tasty Tuesday #14 Bewley's and Gourmet Burger Kitchen

One of the days, I went up to Dublin with my mum and when you are there, you basically find good places to eat at.

One of the first places I like to go, especially for breakfast is Bewley's Cafe and Restaurant on Grafton Street (I think). That is my breakfast place when I am in Dublin, which isn't very often.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Style Saturday #16 Afternoon Tea and YouTube

This is what happens when your blogger app refuses to work. You have to result to using blogger on the iPad using the website version, definitely not as good. It's partly the reason for my procrastination. Anyway after a week (or two) I'm back on the blogging wagon and also the exercise on to. I forget how happy and uplifting it can be to do a bit of exercise a day. It's a great motivation, as long as you don't over do it. 

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Solitaire Addict, Hurt and Bargain Hunter

Here I go again with my midnight updates. It's not as though I forget about blogging, but once I remember it's easily replaced by something else. Like just there when I could have posted a blogpost, I was playing a very enticing game of solitaire on my laptop. I swear I got really into the game, easily when there were two suits. I played at least 10 and only won 2. Clearly a mastermind here, you know. I don't even know why I played solitaire, like what the hell! Solitaire of all things. That's what having a late night does for you children, so go ti bed earlier.

Sunday 26 October 2014

Style Sunday #15 Colourful Outfit and Food Hybrid

Hi. Feels a bit weird typing this, considering it's been about a week since I've last updated you. I was even planning something that the fashionistas would have loved, but I guess I was a bit too lazy. Last week, I got to spend a few days at a college, to discover different courses and college life. That included wearing our own clothes, queuing for ages for food and seeing a lot of taller and older people far too often. I swear I was tiny against them.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Update: Busy Weeks and Soroptimist Competition

What is going on? That's probably the question you have going through your mind as you read this. No, I'm not stopping blogging. I don't know if it's because it's nearly mid-term, but I feel like I'm lacking in quantity and quality here. In all honesty, I have been doing stuff this week which has prevented me from posting, mostly because the time I start to blog, I choose sleep over it. At least this week, it won't be as stressful. I will be testing out college/university life for a week, and I'll see how it goes.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Cold Weather & Sims 4 Fail

It seems as though Tasty Tuesday will be taking a hiatus and you'll just be stuck with my random blabbers. Pretty much like this one. How has your week been going? I feel like I don't get you ask you all, so why not do it now. I don't know if it's just me but I need a break. At the mid-term is coming up, but that another 1 and a half weeks left. How do people in working jobs survive. Guess I'll find out a bit after my work experience.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Style Sunday #14 Cousin's Birthday

Hello! Yes, there was no Saturday post, I didn't actually take a photo of my outfit yesterday, but today I did. I know that this outfit looks awfully familiar as I wore it here, yet I still really like it. I only thing different is my pair of ankle boots from New Look that I've had for a while now. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Exhausted, Wellie Time and Blogging

Do you ever have one of those weeks, or maybe even a few where you just want to chill for a day? Seems as though I need to do that! I'm so exhausted and worn out from nothing really. Not that I can think of anything. I suppose I'm trying to do a lot this year and because I am, so things are clashing. I even considered drawing a yearly calendar with space to write what I'll be doing for the year. You know what, I might even do that tomorrow.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

(Not-so) Tasty Tuesday #13 Coffee and Early Mornings

So there is no tasty Tuesday as silly me forgot to prepare something. I knew that I would have been gone for most of the day and be quite tired, but I didn't expect to be exhausted. I feel so drained or something from the day. I was up at 6:10 am, which is far too early for me in the mornings. I still had a great time, no doubt about that but I'm ready to hit the hay!

Sunday 5 October 2014

Style Saturday (on a Sunday) #13 Delayed and Late

Yes. I didn't post on Thursday or yesterday, Saturday. So I haven't been posting for 3 days. That's is a long enough time for all of you, but then again, this is for me to do. Not trying to sound selfish or anything, but the main reason why I am doing this is for myself. Plus, you guys don't want shit quality posts either, and that's what I have felt has been happening. However, I am back now with a actual style post where I'm showing you my outfit, an OOTD, except this one is for more so two days. 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Tasty Tuesday #12 Perry Street to Homemade Meal

Yesterday, I had the day off school and we decided to celebrate my day's birthday. I treated him to breakfast in this restaurant called Perry Street in Cork.

 Now I've only been there once for lunch and it was ok, nothing majorly fantastic, but we decided to go there for breakfast. Let me tell you, I wasn't very impressed.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Style Saturday #12 No Outfits, No Hauls

First things first, there is no outfit post or haul today. If you really want to know what happened today, I basically didn't do anything exciting. I am just organising out a few things like schoolwork and such. Who knew you actually had to do work in transition year? I guess it's better to keep myself preoccupied and so, instead of being bored all day.

Thursday 25 September 2014

How To Deal With Stress

Stress. Even though it's normal for us to have a little bit of stress in our life, sometimes it can get out of control. So instead of avoiding it, why not try and find a way to deal with it.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Tasty Tuesday #11 Cooking/Baking YouTube Channels

Sometimes, I go through a phase on YouTube where I want to watch a certain thing, it could be The Sims Let's Plays, daily vlogs or simply just cooking and baking videos. I've been watching a lot of cooking channels, for some strange unbeknownst reason. I'm not too sure why but I'm going to list a few of my favourite channels on YouTube below.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Style Saturday #11 Teeny Tiny Haul

There is no outfit post today. Instead there is going to be a small haul. To be honest, you won't have thought my outfit was great today, especially the way my hair was. It was quite questionable. At least it feels and looks better now, but earlier, not so. The jumper I was wearing is slowly kind-of wearing out, and I'm getting slightly nostalgic thinking about it. The times it's lived through. Like this morning, when I tried to get that small bit of cleanser out of the tube, and of course I got some on my jumper.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Short and Sweet

Today's post is going to short and sweet. I mean what do you except at girl whose is half-asleep to write. Nothing very interesting. Not when my day was full of ups and downs. There is no need to drone on about the negative things, instead appreciate the good. That's another thing. Sometimes, I think people think too ill of people and they hurt the people who are actually being genuinely nice. I know it's hard people, I know much about that, but life shouldn't be wasted like this. If someone's being hurtful in anyway, it's best to just distance yourself from them, or maybe just say it to them, if you're brave. And most importantly, take care of yourself first, because you cannot always rely on others, and you trust yourself most.

To step anyway from that, you would be surprised to know that I'm doing a lot of work. Weird, because they always call it a dose year. I half beg to differ. Im doing projects, competitions, homework (ugh!) but maybe it will good for next year. Anyway, we are doing some different things like work experience also. I've definitely been thinking about that, but I need to contact people also. 

I might just finish it here,since it's probably a little boring for you. Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Tasty Tuesday #10 Cold Weather Soup

Recently, the weather has gotten and bit nippy and colder here and due to that, I have developed a sore throat. If you have ever had a sore throat, with blocked sinuses, all you want to do is sleep and stop blowing your red-raw nose, but you can't. To help me recover and feel better, my mom decided to make me her cold weather soup, inspired by one of Jamie Oliver's recipes. This soup has chilli in it to help the blocked sinuses and also add a bit of warmth. However the butternut squash makes it so soothing for any throat soreness. This is one of my favourites that she makes around winter time and I was so glad she made it.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Style Saturday #10 JC Night

So, as I promised here is my outfit post from Wednesday night, when I got my exam results. Instead of heading out dancing and stuff, I decided to go out to dinner with my family. The crowds would have been dodge for me if I went out dancing. We headed to a restaurant called Liberty Grill, which is supposed to be amazing for breakfast, but we went for dinner and enjoyed it. I got a chicken burger with chips along with a Lemon Lime Bitter mocktail. It was lovely, especially the drink. We also shared a few starters and desserts between one another and they are delicious. 

Thursday 11 September 2014

Exam Results, Ed Sheeran and Dentist

Back to my late (ish) posts today. I'll update you from the last few days. As I said in my last post, I got my exams results yesterday. Somehow it managed to fit snugly between my blogging days. It was probably for the best because I would have totally forgotten to post anything, like my first week.  Anyway, I'm very happy with my results, thank God, as I thought I did bad in some of them. I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I celebrated the event by heading out to do nee with my family. I will post my outfit on Saturday for Style Saturday. The clothes I wore were mostly what I bought that day.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Tasty Tuesday #9 Well Tasty-ish Iced Coffee

This recipe was literally only made a few seconds ago, but I don't really suggest you try it, well not as an iced coffee, but maybe as a cappuccino it would be nice. I suppose this post is a little rushed, probably because I will be getting my exams results tomorrow, eek! Anyway, I will probably not sleep from the coffee or the nervousness. Let's get on to the recipe. First note I used a U Nespresso Machine along with their Aeroccino Machine for cappuccinos, lattes, frappuccinos, etc.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Style Saturday #9 Grey on Black

This Saturday I decided to head out on a shopping trip, where I only bought two things and one was for school. Yes, it was not a successful trip but I found some A/W pieces I could buy, hint, hint, the sixties style amazing-ness. I wore something nice and comfortable, something that is easy to change when I am trying on clothes. Although it was sunny today, I opted to layer up. I decided to wear black leggings from Topshop, black tank top from Gap along with my flip-flops, which you are probably sick of. I threw on this grey tank top as I find I don't wear it very often. I also wore my black cardigan that I wore two Saturdays ago. So it was overall quite simple but handy between seasons. 

Thursday 4 September 2014

DIY Sharpie Printed T-Shirt

Look, I remembered to post my DIY Sharpie Printed T-Shirt thing! I meant to post this up last week, but I forgot (blaming going back to school for that), but it's alright now. I still kind of settling back into school, but I think it will be all settled by the time our exam results come out next week. They are coming out on Thursday, so expect me to be either, depressed or excited in next weeks blog post. School's grand, I'm still getting used to waking up early, but otherwise everything's pretty much ok. So let's start this thing.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Tasty Tuesday #8 Chocolate Cookies (So yum!)

I remembered to post this time! I actually nearly forgot a few times so I decided to do this as soon as I get home, when I'll remember it most. Last night I nearly panicked thinking that it was Tuesday, but it was alright, just a Monday night, so I was ok.

Today I'm going to share this chocolate cookie kind-of recipe that reminds me of Nesquik, I love that cereal. Anyway, it is very simple and can last for a few days, if you're not tempted by them. 


  • 225g/8oz butter, softened
  • 110g/4oz caster sugar 
  • 250g/9oz plain flour
  • 50g/2oz cocoa powder 
  • 125g/4 1/2oz white chocolate chips 


  1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius/325 degrees Fahrenhuit/Gas Mark 3.
  2. Cream the butter in a mixing bowl with an electric whisk until it's soft. Add in the sugar and whisk until light and fluffy.
  3. Sift in the flour and cocoa powder and bring the mixture together until a dough is formed
  4. Add in the chocolate chips and mix again
  5. Grease the baking tray with butter.
  6. Roll the dough into walnut-sized balls and place them onto the tray slightly apart. You can flatten them a little with a fork, but that's optional.
  7. Bake them in the oven for 13 minutes. When you take the cookies out, it is ok if they sink when poked, they will harden later. 
  8. Transfer the cookies to the wire tray when hot. Once cooled enjoy eating them or putting them into an airtight container for a few days, probably 3.
Note: If you have leftover dough, you can roll it into a log and leave in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. You can remove them from the fridge and cut them into slices before popping them into a preheated oven.

Here are the photos, please take note that the mixture can look dodge before baked, as seen below.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Style Saturday #8 The Peeking Giraffe

Soon after looking at my last post, I realised I forget to post about the DIY t-shirt. I guess that will be next Thursday's post. Damn, I need to remember these things! Then again, it could be worse, I could have forgotten to post altogether (much like beforehand).

Have any of you noticed that I've been at this blogging thing for about 2 months now. Isn't it crazy! I know that it is to me as I never would have expected to continue doing this, go motivation! I was even looking back wondering what number of Style Saturdays I had done, and writing that 8, felt great. To know that I have stuck to something like this is a bit crazy, maybe because I choose to write 3 days a week or something. I don't know, but I hope I can still continue this through the school year. 

Ok, I'm going to head onto the topic of this post and my outfit pictures, which some of you are hoping to see. So the story is, yesterday I went out for a late night shop with my mum and sister because my sister wanted to buy a coat in Zara's. She ended up getting the coat, a red duffle cot with a cute hood that kind-of reminded me of Little Red Riding Hood. I didn't end up getting anything from Zara's, but we took a trip to Debenham's (which I have trouble spelling) and ended finding this cute giraffe crop top in the House of Holland section of Debenham's. I thought it was so adorable, and naturally one had to try it on. I feel in love and my sister decided to give it to me as a small gift, how kind! I really wanted to wear it today and I did, even though I never went out and just stayed at home not in my pyjamas. 

So as you know the top is from House of Holland. My maxi dress is from Topshop, and I also wore it when I went to afternoon tea (some trivia for you guys) and because I was at home, I decided to wear this socks I got a while back in New Look for a €1. I know it's utterly simple but I'm so comfy in it and continuing to wear it until I head to bed. 

My somber expression

Pointing out the giraffe that you can't really see. 

So for the rest of this day, I will be chilling at home watching episode 2 of Series 8 of Doctor Who, which starts soon, along with eating frozen blueberries, a favourite treat of mine. Ta-ta for now, Nee x.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Brain-block, School and A Little Thanks

I have no idea what to write about. I'm just having a complete brain-block. Weird, right? I find I'm just getting distracted so easily at the moment, could be partly because I'm tired or be aside of my family talking to me. Why must this happen? I means it's stupid of me to do this so late, but as you know by now, it's me full stop. 

Tomorrow I'm heading back to school. Like full on back. I'm diving into a full day that finishes like a normal school day. I just think it's slightly weird that it's a Friday, but hey, who am I to complain. Could be worse, could be a Monday, ugh! Although this Thursday night feels an awful lot like a Sunday night. Weird, school routine-ness. I can't really complain about school at the moment. I have a great year ahead where I'm not studying for major exams, unlike last year, so I'm trying to think positiving. Being optimist is great. 

On that note, Bloglovin sent me a cute email saying "Congratulations on reaching 10 followers". First thing I thought, how bloody cute and positive Bloglovin is, encouraging me to continue on this great adventure of my life. The last bit is a slight exaggeration, but what's my blog without a little bit of dramatic essence, if that makes sense. Oh and not forgetting,thank you guys for the follows, it so nice of you to follow me, me and my random blabber. Even if I am a follower of my own blog, why bloody not! But yeah, thank you. And thanks to those who have been bravely commenting also. It's great to hear from the people who have been reading my posts. It's incredibly movitating! Smiles all around! 

I will have to end it hear as my mum is constantly reminding me to head to bed, oh well! Ta-ta for now, Nee x 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tasty Tuesday #7 Simple But Delicious Cheese On Toast

Some days you just want to make something simple but still delicious. Then this recipe is great for you,  especially for students. I always think there is something really about cheese on toast, as long as you don't have it too often and this adds a bit of a twist. 

Slices of bread (however many slices you want or whatever type of bread, I prefer 2 slices of spelt)
Slices of cheese (again depending on your slices of bread)
Ham or Turkey
A few rings of onion 
A small dollop of mayonnaise (optional)

1. Set your grill to the highest heat level. Place your bread into the grill for approx. 1 min, but keep an eye on the bread as it can burn easily with some grills.
2. Once the bread is lightly toasted, turn it over and pop on the toppings. I like to apply a small bit of mayonnaise onto each slice, then add the turkey or ham. Place the cheese on top and then the onions. If you are using turkey, you can add some cranberry sauce or sweet chilli sauce to taste. 
3. Place it back into he grill and leave for another minute or so until the cheese bubbles. Then you can turn off the grill and enjoy your cheese on toast.
4. Serve with salad or if your bad some crisps. 


Saturday 23 August 2014

Style Saturday #7 My Inner Whovian

So today's post seems to be like much of my other posts, being posted at midnight. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse. I could have not posted anything at all, but today wasn't one of those days. Today was the 23rd of August, the day when Doctor Who Series 8 came out. And let me tell you, I have been waiting for this day to come, but also not really as it meant I would going back to school. Pros and Cons, so irritating. Anyway, here is what I wore. 

I changed my outfit a little bit during the day. I wore my new jumpsuit from Topshop which is like wearing a pyjamas. So comfy! I paired it with my rosé gold sandals from Gap, old cardi from Bershka (Blue for Doctor Who) and my fabulous new hat from Bershka. I recently bought this hat from Bershka as I have been looking for one for so long. I didn't want to fork out €43 for the Topshop one at all, but when I discovered this one from Bershka for €17.99, I was loving life. I was also lucky as they only arrived that day. Ever since, I've been getting compliments from both friends and strangers (quite unusual!). 

Here is what I wore for the first episode of Doctor Who Series 8. My friend and I decided to buy tickets in the cinema for it as there was a special showing, and why not. I just took off the cardi and added this top, which is an upcoming DIY post. I absolutely enjoyed the episode so much and got me all excited for the further episodes. Can't wait! My inner Whovian is coming to surface, oh well. 

So I guess that's all for day (and tonight). Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Friday 22 August 2014

Hairspray, Coffee and DIY T-shirt Thing Coming Soon

So hi guys. I'm here writing Thursday's blog post which will probably end up being publish at midnight or so, again. Half the reason why, is because I went to see Hairspray (the musical) in Cork Opera house. Let me tell you, it's bloody amazing. I wish I went sooner but then it wouldn't have been a special thing I had done before heading back to school. Oh, we had such a laugh. I mean, I had seen the movie alright, but in theatre it was much better. We did end up going a few days before it closes so if you want to head there, it's only available until the 23rd of August, which is this Saturday! If you are very into musicals and a good laugh you will have great craic. Some of the jokes are quick, so you kinda have to be quick to get them, it I didn't find that problem. And even near the end, everybody stood up and we were clapping along. Soon enough my hands grew numb from clapping, but I still went on. It would have been great to have been part of the production, I found the cast looked like they had fun themselves, that or they are great at hiding it. We only went because somebody recommended it to my sister, and I'm glad we went. I went with my mum, my sister and my granny. 

So that's all for Hairspray I suppose. I am still a bit jittery from it. I think it's partly down to the cappuccino I had earlier on before the show. I think cappuccino are one of my favourite ways to make coffee, well besides the frappas which I rarely have. Why do they have to be full of fat and sugars! Oh, first class problems. Coffee is way in which you can tell something about someone. I think people who like espressos and americanos must be pretty brave, but then again I do like my coffee a little bit. I barely put sugar in and my sister was shocked. There's some news about me. 

Ok. Today I was going to put up a DIY tutorial on how to write on old t-shirts or decorate them. Alas, I was a bit lazy and didn't even do the project. I wanted to do it for an event I'm going on Saturday which you will find out about then. So instead I'll make the t-shirt tomorrow and post it next Thursday, the day before I properly go back to school. Sigh. At least I'm not going back to an exam year. So stay tuned this Saturday to see a preview of the 'creation' before the tutorial. 

I better head of to sleep now as its midnight. Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Tasty Tuesday #6 Dutch Apple and Nectarine Cake

Today's Tasty Tuesday is my sister's famous apple cake with a twist. She normally makes it with just apples but this time she made it with nectarines and it was so delicious I had to post it here. I hope you enjoy.

2 eggs
4 1/2oz caster sugar
1/2-1oz vanilla sugar (depending on taste)
3oz butter
75ml milk
4 1/2oz plain flour
1/2tsp ground cinnamon
1/4tsp mixed spice
2 1/4tsp baking powder
2 small or 1 large cooking apple(s)
2 nectarines 
8 inch round cake tin/8 x 8inch square tin

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius/400 degrees Fahrenhuit/Gas Mark 6. Line the cake tin (base and sides) with parchment paper. 
2. With an electric whisk or hand whisk, whisk up the eggs and both sugar in a large bowl until the mixture is thick and mousse-like. The whisk should be able to leave a figure of eight. It should take 5 minutes
3. In a saucepan, melt the butter and milk, making sure not to boil it. Then pour this mixture onto the eggs whilst whisking all the time. This will help stop it from scrambling. Sift in the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and mixed spice and fold the mixture carefully so that there are no lumps of flour. Then pour the mixture into the tin and smooth the surface. 
4. Next peel and core the apples and nectarines and cut into thin slices. Arrange the apple and nectarine slices on top and push a few down into the batter, you can keep doing this until you cannot push them bad own or have about three layers of the apple and nectarine. Sprinkle a small bit of sugar on top and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius/350 degrees Fahrenhuit/Gas Mark 4 and bake for 20-25 minutes until it is well risen and golden brown in colour. 
5. Allow the mixture to cool in the tin before cutting the slices. 

So here are the photos it's so delicious and moist. I think the nectarine add the moisture but they are also great with the apple.

Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Sunday 17 August 2014

Style Saturday #6 Fashion Haul

So I'm back. That probably doesn't make sense at all to you, don't worry I'll explain. I'm back from my holiday in Co. Monaghan. It's more so a staycation as I didn't go abroad. Still a holiday none the less. I know it's sounds terrible but it's bloody lovely to be back home. One, there is Internet (he he!) and two, my own bed. Nothing beats the feel of your own bed and waking up in it. I enjoyed my holiday also, but I think I was missing home a tad bit. 

Anyway back to the topic of this post. Instead of an outfit of the day because mine was far too boring and comforting today, I decided to post a haul of some of the things I got recently. Some are from Belfast and others from the time I went to Dublin (one thing). By the way I'm not bragging, I just major shopping. 

First is the top I got in Dublin a while back. It was from Zara in the sales for €9.99. I love it. I think it would be great with the skirt I wore to my cousins 21st (blog post). Originally I was going to buy it with the skirt but decided against it, as at that time it was €16.99. After a week's thought and a reduced price that I couldn't resist, I bought it. I love how it has adjustable strap because having a short torso means top half fall down on me! I also love the beading detail. Adds a bit of spice to it.

Next are two thing I got from Belfast (only a few days ago). I got a pair of Topshop leggings for £12 (which at that point converted to €18, a tad bit cheaper than the price of it at €18 normally at home). I got a pair of these recently and found then great, so far. These are my second pair. They are comfy, not too long and don't give me camel toe, a plus, but they are a little thin. 

The long jumpsuit was £12 same as the leggings and was on sale. On me the bottom is like the leggings but I quite like that. I do think it will look better on me when I go back to school. I find that when I got back to school, I go into a routine where I restrict my food intake (a good thing for me) and I take up an exercise plan. But that will be grand. I haven't had a jumpsuit in a while and I miss how comfy they are. 

Next are two things I got from Newgrange. Sounds a bit weird but in the exhibition centre, there was a place where they sold little companies items. I got a snood from this women who made felt figures and wool clothing. It's lovely and snugly which will be great for winter. The colouring also suits my skin tone and will match a load of my outfits. This was €10, which I thought was reasonable since she only sells her stuff there.

While I was in Newgrange, I also got a necklace from this guy who made silver jewellery. He had a large quantity of unique and handcraft necklaces and brooches. After much debating, I decided on this three spiralled design which can be seen on the entrance stone to Newgrange itself. It was my first real spurge on jewellery and I knew it was good quality as you could see him make it himself. It cost €40, which was good. I guess I choose this one was it is a bit quirky, much like me and it also suited me better than the others. 

Lastly I bought these pair of shorts from the DKNY boutique in Kildare Village, our last shopping trip of the holiday. I have been looking for a pair of printed shorts like this that actually fit me and felt comfortable but still looked nice. I know it's a bit late too be buying shorts, summer is basically ending/ended,but I can wear these ones with tights and they still look gorgeous. They were on sale at €19, which is good for DKNY. 

I guess that's all for today. Another late post I know, but I seem to be functionally late at the moment. Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Friday 15 August 2014

Holiday Update: Newgrange and Belfast

I better not procrastinate any longer and just write. I mean it half 12 in the morning and I should have posted something earlier. But no excuses and let's talk positive. I have am update for you on my holidays. So on Wednesday we went to Newgrange which is one of the oldest historical buildings/monuments and are supposed to be older than the pyramids of Egypt. There is a little history lesson for you. I got quite a few photos but they are on my camera (which I'm loving at the moment) and hard to transfer. There could be an easier transferring process but I'll stick to what I know. Anyway, it was pretty cool. It surprising how people made these things long before us, in pre-history era. That day we ended up staying for most of the day at Newgrange as our tour was at 3:15 and 4:45  for both Knowtha and Newgrange and we ended up finishing after 6. Afterwards we headed for linchpin where we got massive portions of food. I got a Caesar Salad and was too full to finish it. However it was delicious. And it's bad but I can't remember the name of the restaurant!

Today was a different story. We headed up to Belfast which took more than an hour and a half from our hotel. We decided not to book tickets for the Titanic Experience but still ended up going. It was pretty cool but I think I had high expectations for it. I thought that there would be more 3D visuals of the Titanic but it didn't really. We had already went to the one in Cobh, Co. Cork and I must say its worth going there. At the Cobh one, you got a ticket with someone's name for the actual boat and near the end of the expedition, there was a list of the people's names and facts about them. I got a first-class passenger who survived ticket, so my one was pretty cool. The tickets were copies of the original ones they got so it's a pretty awesome gift. 

After the Titanic Experience, we decided to go to Belfast city instead because you might as well. We headed into Victoria Square Shopping Centre were we had dinner in TGI Fridays (I got a burger) and went for an hour long shop (we had a tight schedule). I only bought two items, both from Topshop. My mum and I were a little disappointed with the selection and found that most of the stuff were dearer when converted back to euros. It was cheaper getting them at home. Except for Topshop's full priced items. We think it's because of the exchange rate, damn that, but I still bought something nice. On our way back to the hotel, we stopped off at Banbridge and took a small shopping trip. I didn't find anything this time and my mum was the only one who bought something. She bought a lovely L.K. Bennett dress for £50, which was lovely on her. The only other thing we bought was coffee and a tiffin square in Costa. Oh, well! Makes me appreciate home more. 

Well anyway, I should head to bed as tomorrow I am headed for a facial in the hotel at half 10. Can't wait, especially when my skin has been acting up (ugh!). I will leave you with some photos of today. Ta-ta for now, Nee x
Outside of the Titanic Experience. I look so happy. 
Again Titanic Experience. Oh the lovely wind!
Titanic Experience 
Belfast City Hall. It looked lovely! 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Tasty Tuesday #5 Change Of Scenery

Today I'm somewhere totally different to the norm, in fact it's pretty much a change of scenery. We spontaneously decided to book a hotel up north and stay for a few nights. I've never been up this area before, and I just really wanted to. I mean it's cheaper than flying to England or America or something. We might head to the Titanic Experience and hopefully go shopping, my favourite. Anyway we had a meal at the hotel, a three course and I am so stuffed even still. 

For an appetiser, we had different bread rolls such as tomato, sesame, plain with olives and butter to spread on it. It was quite nice especially when I saved one or two for my starter.
For my starter, I had turnip and honey soup which was lovely. The honey added a slight sweetness but it was still delicious. 
Main course was a chicken for me. It came with baby carrots and a small potato gratin which were nice compliments. Again it was delicious but by then I was getting quite full. We also got some vegetables between us which included cauliflower cheese, green beans and potatoes. I ended up only having a small amount of these as I got full. 
I also ordered a Club Lemon, which as you know by now one of my favourite drinks. 
Now here would have been a picture of my dessert but realised by the end that I forgot to take a photo. It was far too yummy! Even though I was full, I had a strawberry panna collata (?) with strawberries and a strawberry cream, I think, with a shortbread cookie. It was quite yummy but I ate it slow enough for my tummy. I also got a pot of peppermint tea which is great for digestion I heard. I definitely needed it and totally thank myself for getting it, as its helping with my stuffed-ness and digestion, of course. I actually took a photo of this so here it is. 
Well that's all from me and I should talk to you on Thursday and give you an update on the things we did. Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Saturday 9 August 2014

Style Saturday #5 Afternoon Tea and Unbound

Today I went and had afternoon tea with my mum and my sister. It was so nice. I'll nearly turn this post into a Tasty Tuesday if I keep talking about the food. In the afternoon tea deal, in Miss Courtney's Tea Rooms in Killarney, you get a pick of 4 type of sandwiches (we picked two egg mayonnaise, chicken and ham), 4 scones and to types of cake (we choose chocolate and brand, which was too nice and vanilla). You also, of course, get tea of your choice. We had Assam tea and my sister had her precious Earl Grey, which she is so fond of. 
Let me tell you. It was divine! We were too stuffed afterwards and had to take the cakes home in the end. And it was afternoon tea for two, shared between us three and there was loads. But then we like to have the cakes or scones later or the next morning. A great treat!

I should probably post a photo of my outfit, as it is an outfit of the day. I wore a Topshop burgundy maxi dress, which I think looks glamourous, my Gap flip-flops and my H&M cardigan (which you have probably seem too much of). 

Afterwards we went to a cute shop called Unbound, which stocks the most adorable things ever with foxes and owls, along with quotes and 'encouragements' to quote Augustus in The Fault In Our Stars. 
I guess that's all for today, with my limited wifi service (it probably will be for a while). Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Thursday 7 August 2014

Chocolate, Fitness and New Runners

So today instead of being in the library, I'm sitting in a cafe eating a dark chocolate brownie and drinking a latte (I haven't had coffee in quite a while). The brownie is tasty and has a hint of a nutty taste, like they added some Nutella. Although it does remind me of the Milka's noisette chocolate bar, far too delicious and great when it's €1!

I should probably stop talking about chocolate and talk about my new fitness plan. I know, such a change in topic, going from one extreme to another. Anyway, I have decided to go for one hefty walk or strength building activity a day. Take for example the first day I tried it on Sunday. I went for a 6km walk (I think) which I found quite easy, strange for someone who has been not-so active for a while. I guess the reason why it wasn't so bad was that, it was a flat walk with no uphills or downhills. However the next day that changed. The walk that I went on was about 10km to and back and let me tell you there were so many steep uphills that I didn't make it fully to the top. Sounds stupid I know, but I was ony getting used to it. The next day, as you know I went high-roping which I can tell worked my upper body strength. I felt that the next day. On that day, which was only yesterday, I went for another walk, which again had uphills. It was all worth it when we ate lunch at a beautiful small waterfall. It was mesmerising! But yeah, that it what I have done so far. I plan to go walking on the beach, but I've taken a break from my runners.

On that point I bought a new pair of runners in Nike. I haven't worn them yet as they are my good ones that I wear with nice outfits (of the day) and not for my walks where God knows what is on the ground. They are a pale grey with a hint of blue and neon orange. Very pretty and a lot more subtle than they sound. And I only got them for €39.90, such a bargain! 

I guess I should end it here. I have limited wifi supply and I'm going to head for that walk on the beach. Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tasty Tuesday #4 Out and About

Today's Tasty Tuesday is different to the norm. Instead of posting a recipe,,I'm going to post what I eat for my lunch, which can be half seen as a recipe because I post what's in it.

After a long and tiresome morning of high roping, it bloody hurts your arms, we decided to head to a restaurant/cafe called Zest. I was thinking about when I was there last, and it must have been 2 years ago. Oh, it was very nice and it still is. 

I got a ciabetta which was filled with chicken, bacon, brie cheese and cranberry sauce. Very delicious. It also came with chips and I had water too as I was dying for some. 

My mum got a beef lasagna with salad and chips which I had a sneaky bite of. She said it was lovely and tasty. 

For dessert, which was cheeky of us. We got a homemade chocolate biscuit cake to share while my dad just got a coffee. It was quite nice and it's kind-of inspiring me to make my own. Maybe I'll write a recipe for that, when I make it. 

It was nice to have something like this after a long day and I will see you on Thursday (hopefully if I find Internet). 

Ta-ta for now, Nee x

Saturday 2 August 2014

Style Saturday #4 Cute Jumper, Breakfast and Flowers

Here's today's blog post. Not an exciting one or my most eventful Saturday that I have posted, but I still went out and about and not stay in my pjs (unlike some other days). Today I just wanted to be comfy and casual because it was still kind-of hot here (about 19 degrees Celsius) but I wasn't in the mood for wearing something fancy and stuff. Instead I opted for something simple and cute, as you will see here.

I wore a pair of black leggings from Topshop, black tank top and flip-flops (which you can't see) from Gap and my new favourite jumper from H&M. I think it's adorable. It is a baby pink colour and is knitted, so it's light for summer. The thing that attracted me to the jumper is the writing on it. It says "Mais, pour-quoi pas?" which I believe means "But, why not?". So why not buy it. It is incredibly comfy but I have to be careful not to snaff it off of bags and stuff.

I also decided to take a few photos of some flowers and berries that are growing because 1, they are cute and 2, there was nothing else.

Oh and not to favourite a quick photo of my quick breakfast that I bought with me to CoderDojo. 
It's quite simple, but maybe not too healthy. I had a small apricot (which I know quite like), a Nature Valley for some oaks, chocolate covered rice cakes (afterwards as a treat) and a cup of Roobois tea, my favourite in this cute Orla Kiely Mug/Cup thing. 

Well, I guess that's all, ta-ta for now, Nee x

Thursday 31 July 2014

The Breakfast Club, Dreams & Warm Weather

It's pretty late to be writing this because most of my posts are either normally earlier than 10 and it's nearly 11. But that's ok, I'm getting it up anyway. First thing I have to mention is the amazing response I got from my CoderDojo 3rd Birthday Style Saturday Edition post, or something. I was so thrilled to see the views rise ever-so quickly. So yeah, thank you guys, don't think I would have had that response without you. 

So what do I want to talk about today? Seeing as it's a Thursday and we all know how random my Thursdays posts are, I'll make it blabber-y and generally just me. Well I just finished watching The Breakfast Club, which I had never seen before and I must say, better than expected. I was inspired, sounds extremely cheesy, but it was. It can't deny it. It kind-of inspired me to write this post as I didn't have any clue what to write. It's weird to think that a movie in the 80's was actually pretty good. It just shows that you don't always need great lights and effects, just a good simple message and music that prompts you. It's the old movies that make the impact on life today, unless it's Inception because that was some cool backstory. Loved that movie, especially after I watched it more than once. 

I'm going to move on well off of topic now, but it's that what Thursdays are about? Well, anyway, I have decided to keep a dream diary. You know that diary or notebook where you write the dreams that you just had? I have one, and have kept it for a good month or so. Now I haven't remembered all my dreams or I'm just too tired to write them down, but it does work. It's kind-of weird, it your brain is fascinating when you sleep. I remember one dream that I had wrote done in my dream diary, and looking back on it now, it shows me how I see certain people or situations. It's pretty creepy but cool at the same time. It definitely makes me think how amazing our brain truly is. Of course, I had only noticed this little thing when I had read it over today, over my extremely messy morning handwriting (not so good to see). So I have seen a good side to this, even though it can be tedious to write in the morning when you just want to sleep or gradually wake up (takes me a good 10-20 mins). I have also found some pretty interesting ideas for books as well, but I have always noticed that with my dreams. Too bad I can never seem to translate that onto paper, damn my not-so great writing skills. 

What else do I have to mention. I suppose I could mention the weather but that sounds boring. It's still too hot for me as I bake like a potato in an oven (reference to Dan's video from danisnotonfire). But yeah. I suppose you don't notice much difference, do you. Some seem to love the heat, don't know how but anyway. Wait, it's not even the heat that gets me, I have always loved the sunny weather when I was younger, but now I just can't seem to hold the heat. In general I am a warm person and I could die from heat in a winter coat during winter but in summer I can't seem to take the heat. I'm not going to be that person either who walks around in a bikini all day, because why? Especially with our unpredictable weather. 

Enough talk about being warm and stuff. I should wrap this up for the night and maybe head to bed, or just watch some YouTube, like always. Ok, ta-ta for now, Nee x

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Tasty Tuesday #3 Mars Bar Cakes

Today I'm back, with (the maybe not so) anticipated recipe for the Mars Bar cakes that I made with my mum for the CoderDojo 3rd Birthday which can be seen here. So I suppose I'll get onto it.

Ingredients:                                           Also Needed:

  • 7oz Mars Bars                                        28 x 18cm shallow tin
  • 4oz Butter                                               Saucepan
  • 3oz Rice Crispies                                    Tin Foil
  • 7oz Dark Chocolate


1. Melt the Mars Bars in a saucepan with 3oz of butter until the chocolate mixture is in a liquid form (it is okay if it is slightly lumpy, Mars Bars melt like that).

2. Turn of the heat and stir in the Rice Crispies carefully, making sure they don't break until they are fully coated with the chocolate mixture.

3. Pour the Rice Crispies mixture into the shallow tin and smooth out. Lay some tin foil on top and allow it to cool, such as in the fridge, to set it.

4. Once the mixture has cooled, melt the dark chocolate and the rest of the butter in a saucepan. Pour the chocolate over the solid Rice Crispies mixture and allow to cool.

5. Once it has cooled, cut into squares and place into plastic boxes to keep fresh. Store in the fridge.